This Fall is all about (re)igniting our Goddess and God Flames!
The first week of our FRESHFIT Fall Series is dedicated to setting a strong foundation for the successes we'll achieve throughout the Series, as we focus on INTENTION SETTING and self-awareness.
Wellness Challenge #1

This week’s Challenge is all about infusing intention into our daily lives. The act of setting an intention naturally activates your power of creation and opens you to a space of receptivity - committing to the present moment and the journey to fulfilling the intentions you set forth.
Intention Setting 101 + Optional Vision Boarding
“What is intention setting?” “Is it the same as goal setting?” “Why should I do it?” “How do I even do it?” I know you have all the questions, Goddess. And that’s what our completely FREE crash course on Intention Setting is all about. Tonight, we’ll be hosting a Zoom Session and going LIVE on Instagram to give you a rundown of Intention Setting, how it relates to your health and well-being & what it means for our FRESHFIT Fall and to answer your burning questions. And as a bonus - you’ll be given an outlet to set some intentions through vision boarding (completely optional)
When: Monday, Oct. 11, 2021 from 8:00-9:00pm
Where: Instagram LIVE (for general use) and/or the GoddessFit Virtual Room (for vision boarding) - Zoom Meeting ID: 318 137 3588 ; Passcode: Recharge
What to Bring: An open mind, something to write with and write on. If you’re vision boarding, have an electronic device or paper and writing utensils handy
Virtual Classes
SWEAT. RELEASE. And RECHARGE with a range of GoddessFit by Jorré classes offered every week! With this virtual setting, you can build a strong body and even stronger mind out of the comfort of your own home!
FREE GoddessFit Full Body Training
Class will take place on Wednesday, October 13th from 7:30pm - 8:15pm! We’re getting physically AND mentally fit as we kickstart our consistent exercise regimen. This week’s fitness session is all about establishing a baseline - gauging where we are physically and setting goals to grow from this space. We'll be incorporating compound movements, mobility and strength training that can be done ANYWHERE! Beginner-Friendly
When: Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2021 @ 7:30pm
Where: GoddessFit Virtual Studio
Access Info:
Join Zoom Meeting (click above image)
Meeting ID: 760 1730 3643
Passcode: Gh0US7
M.O.V.E Release Session - Capoeira with Spence
Class will take place on Thursday, October 14th from 7:30pm - 8:30pm! This week's virtual M.O.V.E Session is all about RELEASE. We’re exploring the importance of movement and our roots as we’re guided through a unique art form that combines elements of dance, acrobatics, and music with martial arts techniques curated to align and instill confidence within ourselves!
This week’s virtual movement practice is brought to you by Spence Crosby of Building Physiques! His session will introduce us to the art of Capoeira and some basic movements of this Brazilian martial art.
When: Thursday, Oct.14, 2021 @ 7:30pm
Where: Virtual M.O.V.E. Room
What You'll Need: All you’ll need for our session is yourself, some space to M.O.V.E, water and an open mind
FREE for all GoddessFit TRIBE Members and M.O.V.E Club Members
Learn More and Reserve Your Spot Here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/weekly-movement-session-move-club-fall-2021-tickets-186247309717?fbclid=IwAR3gJAtkeYhS-ZR8MZ4Mh_w7D-Tkt1bFErowIMbHMQbXjDbPk68JaVpenqs
Become a GoddessFit TRIBE Member Here: https://www.goddessfitbyjorre.com/tribe
For registration and instructor info, click either relevant image above!

“What we think. We become”
~ Buddha
Thank you Goddesses and Gods for your continued support of GoddessFit by Jorré. I am beyond grateful for your willingness to grow and vibrate higher with me and the GoddessFit Fam. I'm coming at you with an energetic update. In the crux of this Mercury Retrograde, the final Mercury Retrograde of the year (which ends October 18th), it’s so important to focus on the power of “Re.’
A planet in retrograde means its energetic focus is directed inward. With Mercury, the planet of the mind, ruling “how we make sense of the world and our place in it,” communication, connectivity, intellect, memory, technology and travel/transportation, this retrograde is an ideal time for course correction as long as we engage in practices that begin with RE: Reflect. Review. Revise. Release. Recharge. Realign. Embrace this powerful time with us and check out the following article (by Moon Omens) to check in with yourself and explore any areas of your life that need some TLC during these highly energetic moments (https://numerologist.com/astrology/5-ways-mercury-retrograde-will-make-you-question-everything-you-know-about-yourself-yay/). Happy “RE”-ing!
I am so grateful to have a platform to share what I continue to learn on this path of holistic healing with you Goddesses and Gods! Stay tuned for more! 💛
GoddessFit by Jorré, LLC would like to thank you all for your continued support and participation in our ever-developing events, activities and programs! Stay tuned for updates by subscribing to our Mailing List (below). We'll see you soon, Goddesses and Gods! Onward!
~ Jorré J.