Hey hey (God)desses! Welcome back to the Healing Hub! This week’s healing is centered on opening, cleansing and activating the root chakra (the foundation of your energetic being) leading to improved focus, strong sense of self, security, grounding, and restored emotional stability.
We’ve collabed with DJ Sol-Fi of Music from the Sol (AKA my Dad lol) to bring you a truly immersive experience carefully crafted to guide you through a soothing journey of self-healing and strengthening the foundation of our physical and energetic existence, the root chakra.
Our unique blend of upbeat Lofi with root chakra sound frequencies and affirmations support the cleansing and activation of your root chakra to lead to self-preservation and enhanced feelings of stability, safety and security. Enhanced with ASMR elements, this deeply immersive experience will help you unwind, rejuvenate, and realign your energy centers.
What is the Root Chakra?
The root chakra, located at the base of your spine, is your foundation for stability and security. It is the base of our life force energy and links our internal energetic body with the physical world. When balanced and open, it “helps us increase our sense of self-worth and belonging, feeling secure in our being, our actions and choices.”
Mentally, a balanced root chakra is associated with increased focus and concentration, resilience, the ability to set goals, improved self-worth, and a stronger sense of personal responsibility and reliability; essentially, a foundation for a calm and confident mental state.
Emotionally, a balanced root chakra will dissipate stress and worries about belonging, relationships and purpose leading to feelings of “passion, love, excitement, determination.” (Spacious Therapy, 2019)
Imbalances in the root chakra can manifest as restlessness, fatigue, anxiety, pessimism, insecurity, low self-esteem, poor focus, worry, panic, depression, frustration, resentment, anger/rage, or having no interest in the world or in our own survival - ultimately highlighting the importance of maintaining its equilibrium for overall well-being.
How Do I Balance My Root Chakra?
The root chakra, our survival center, is the most instinctual of all chakras. To open, activate, and balance it, focus on grounding practices that connect you to the earth.
Spend time in nature (connect with the natural world by going for a walk, sitting by a body of water, or hiking),
Engage in physical activities
Incorporate grounding techniques like Yoga (grounding poses like Mountain Pose, Warrior I and II, Bridge Pose, and Child's Pose) or meditation (practice the breathing technique of Sama Vritti or ‘Box Breath’ for balanced breathing and chant the mantra ‘LAM’ when you’ve reached a relaxed state) into your routine.
Use affirmations (see below)
Nourish your body with grounding foods like root vegetables, and surround yourself with the color red, associated with this chakra. Remember, consistency is key. By regularly tending to your root chakra, you'll cultivate a strong sense of safety and security.
How the Video Works!
Sound Frequency: The 396Hz sound frequency played throughout the video is associated with the root chakra and is believed to help balance and cleanse this energy center. Listening to music or tones at 396Hz can aid in releasing stress, anxiety, negative emotions, guilt & fear, and restoring harmony to the root chakra.
LoFi music: Promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety, enhances focus and concentration, and creates a calming atmosphere conducive to studying, working, or unwinding. You can find the tracklist in the caption here:
Subliminal Messages (whispers): Mindfully curated affirmations reprogram your subconscious mind by bypassing the conscious mind to create lasting changes in thought patterns and behavior.
High-powered affirmations: Instill and empower the confidence to shift to an optimistic mindset and manifest your ideal reality.
High-Powered Affirmations List:
My root chakra is balanced and strong, radiating stability and confidence throughout my being.
I am grounded and connected to the Earth, feeling stable and secure in my being.
I am rooted in my truth and stand firm in my beliefs and values.
I release any fears or insecurities that are holding me back, allowing myself to feel safe and supported.
I operate from a space of abundance.
The universe provides for me, and I release any fear of lack.
I trust in the abundance of the universe and know that I am always provided for.
I am open to receiving prosperity and deserve financial security.
I am present in my body and feel safe inhabiting it fully
I honor my body as a sacred vessel and treat it with love and respect.
I am worthy of love and belonging, just as I am.
I release any past traumas or negative energies that are blocking my root chakra, allowing for healing and renewal.
I am connected to the powerful energy of the Earth, drawing strength, abundance and a potent sense of belonging and connection to all living beings.
My foundation is secure, and I feel safe and supported in the world.
I embrace change and transformation, knowing that it is necessary for growth and evolution.
I trust my intuition and inner strength to guide me through any challenge.
I am open to receiving the support and guidance of the universe, trusting in the divine plan for my life.
I am balanced, grounded, and aligned with my true purpose, ready to manifest my dreams and desires.
*Repeated again in “You are” form.
All subliminals: Only contain positive affirmations that are in present tense, completely safe, effective for all genders.
Here are some tips for maximizing the benefits of this video:
Listen in the morning, during meditation, or whenever you’re wanting to:
Promote a sense of grounding and stability.
Reduce feelings of anxiety and fear.
Enhance self-confidence and security.
Encourage a deeper connection to the earth and one's physical body.
Visualization. Imagine a red light emanating from the base of your spine, growing brighter as you listen.
CONSISTENCY. Listen often and embrace the energetic shift. ✨
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Musical Direction and Video Production by DJ Sol-Fi, Music from the Sol.
YouTube: @MusicFromTheSol
Creative Direction, Design and Affirmation Curation by Yours Truly! GoddessFit by Jorré
Instagram: @goddessfitbyjorre
YouTube: @GoddessFitByJorre
Let us know your thoughts! How will you cleanse and activate your root chakra? Let us know in the comments below!